Wednesday 24 November 2010

Exciting Cambodian Bus Fun!


Today Helen and I took an Exciting Fun Bus from the Cambodian capital Phnom Penh north east to the town of Siem Reap. It took a mere 6 hours to travel 315 kilometres, due in part to the excellent condition of the transport infrastructure. I thought you may like to try and recreate this wonderful example of modern transportation in your own home, simply follow the steps below. Hopefully you too will feel something of the wonder of such an exemplary conveyance.

You will Need:

A washing machine with 'Fast Spin' cycle.
A medium sized rock
A large spring
The second least comfortable chair you own
A Cambodian Karaoke DVD
A Dehumidifier
A Lack of sleep the previous evening
6 Hours

Lets get on the Exciting Fun Bus!

1. Turn the dehumidifier up to '11'or highest equivalent setting.
2. Set the dehumidifier to 'Reverse'
3. Turn the heating up as high as it will go
4. Place the Spring on the washing machine and affix the chair to the spring
5  Put the rock in the washing machine and select 'Fast Spin' cycle
6. Put on the Cambodian Karaoke DVD, and adjust the volume so as to be not overly intrusive, yet impossible to fully ignore.
7. Sit on the chair and start the washing machine.
8. Repeat for 6 hours

Happy Bussing!!

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